Friday, January 29, 2010

I haven't posted anything for months...I have been sidetracked. But, today while Jeramiah & I where waiting for Gwyn to get out of school. Jeramiah said the funnest thing. He was looking at my hair and said, "you have a lot of black and white hair, Grandma." I said, "I know, don't you just love it!" And he said, "The white ones look like strings." So, I just kissed him lots! Grandma's are supposed to have a little bit of grey hair don't you think?

There is just nothing better than a little child...and what comes out of their mouth.

And then there is Cora, who gets bored and wants to call and talk to someone. She is 3, and she will call and if we are not home, you hear her saying, "hello...HELLO...hello...HELLO...." then you hear her Mommy say, "tell her that you love her." And Cora says, " I Love you." then hangs up.