Jesse's & DaNell's birthday are only a couple of days apart. So, we planned a nice dinner for them. Gwyn and I went to their house and cooked and had a nice dinner surpise waiting for him
when he got home that day.
Gwyn helped with the whole dinner. This is the garlic bread that she made. She loves to cook! And I love cooking with her. She is so eager to learn.

Dinner in the oven.
Waiting patiently for dinner to cook and her Dad to get home.
Gwyn made this head band out of colored duck tape. I think it was amazing!
It was so touching when her Daddy got home, she met him in at the door and fly into his arms and just hugged him. The kids miss their dad so much while he is working out of town.
They loved the dinner we fixed for them.
Opening thier presents. Jesse got a fishing pole, and DaNell got a new shirt.