MaryAnn had to have some surgery that week. I went down to help with the kids, (and because I could not bear to be in Salt Lake when she had the surgery). The surgery turned out good. We where so grateful for that.
The kids where a joy to be around. They are just the best. They played with friends, helped around the house, played football...

Bryant made everyone stilts, and the boys are really pretty good on them. This is Clay walking around on his.

Jake walking around on his. I remember when I was a little Dad made us some of those too. And it was really fun to try and walk around on them. It brought back many memories from my childhood watching them play with the stilts.

This is tired! Cora was taking a nap on the couch and started to come of the couch.

Football practice. They are very serious about football in Kanab. The boys had pratice 4 nights a week for about 2 hours each night. All their practice payed off in the games. They played a good game. And when the High school time played that week, all the boys went to the game in their jersey's and played football at the other end of the field. It was neat to see how the town supports the teams.

Bryant and Clay...waiting for Clay's turn to play in the game.

I am sure that Jake is one of the those boys on the field...just not sure which one he is.

Cora got dressed up, and Addie got out the make-up and they proceded to make themselves up so cute! Nothing like a couple of little girls and make-up.

Addie & Cora. They are so cute! Miss them lots.