Wednesday, September 1, 2010

BYU/Idaho - July 2010

I went to BYU/Idaho last year with my cousin Susan. It was so much fun, and so spiritully uplifting that I knew Mark should come with me this year. We had so much fun, and learned so much. I keep trying to decide which class was my favorite...they are all my favorites. This is weird to say, but, I was worried about Mark falling asleep in the classes, cuz, he is always falling asleep at church. He was wide awake in every class! We even went to the passover dinner on Friday night.

Our room, Mark took the mattress off the bed, they are bunk beds and not so easy to get to the top. The next night, my mattress was on the floor too. LOL

Self portrait, between classes in the garden. We loved every minute of our little mini vacation, that we where spiritually feed.
I was really nervous about going this year. It was last year while I was gone that my sister Teresa passed away. And this year when I left, my brother Alan was very sick.
We didn't stay for the Saturday classes this year, we left for Kanab at 4:30 am...Clay was getting baptized that evening. We could not miss that. And it was Jake's birthday too.
We stopped on the way to Education week to see Jesse in Idaho and Mark's Aunt Ara. We got to see all our kids in a weekend. What a trip!

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