Monday, June 20, 2016

Friday, June 17, 2016. 4 X 4 ride with ATV group.

On Friday, we went with some of the ATV group and others for a 4 X 4 ride.  It was called the:  Jacob Hamblin Days Honeymoon Trail.  This was the route that we took, with maybe a few side trips along the way. 
Travel by truck for SUV from Kanab to Navajo Wells, up over the Buckskin Mountain down to Signature Rock and on to House Rock Valley.  Highlights of this trip will be the new monument at Navajo Wells dedicated in April of this year to the early pioneers who traveled this trail to and from Arizona by horseback and covered wagon.  And Signature Rock where many of their names were carved into sandstone cliffs when they stopped overnight to water and rest. 
We were also told that some of the 1st ones had to disassemble their wagons more than once to get through some of the places along the way.  Can you even imagine doing that?
These are pictures from that day trip.  Another amazing day in this beautiful country.  I love where we live now.  I loved where we lived before, but, it was time for a change, and we are very happy where we are at now.

 This rock came from on top the mountain.  It shows the wear from the wagon wheels.  I can't even imagine traveling that road in wagons. 

 This is the Signature rock.  They wrote on the cliff ledges.  All along the that face of cliffs.  Some of the names are beginning to wear off.  They would stop here for fresh water and rest up before continuing on.  There was a spring up by the cliff ledges.
 Mark up by the spring, they have it behind the door now.  They use the water for the ranch.
Mark coming down off the trail, after looking at all the signatures.

This is a grave that was on top of a little hill. 

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