Sunday, May 24, 2009

More Garden updates. We have worked so hard in our yard this weekend. Trying really hard to get all the weeds out. So, it looks pretty good today. But, next week could be a different story. The onions are looking really good. while I was weeding, you could smell them. Can hardly wait to start eating them. I have already harvested the radishes and ate them. I had forgotten how good a fresh radish tasted.

MaryAnn gave me some strawberry plants for Mother's Day, last weekend. I got a pot and planted them. They look so the wait is on for the strawberries to grow. LOL

We even cleaned out the garage. Now that is a really yucky job. Scott was in town, so him & Mark did most of the work in there. It is spring time...time to dejunk. You are supposed to park your car in the garage are you? I know it has been years since we have. LOL

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