Sunday, May 24, 2009

We took the tiller with us, Bryant's tiller was not working. So they started tilling right away. I think everyone took a turn at tilling...even me. It must just be fun!

And Jake needed to cook a meal for his Bear badge in Cub Scouts. So, Jake and I cooked dinner in the Dutch Ovens. When we discussed what we where going to cook in the Dutch Oven, he was a little suprised that we could make a cheese cake. Here is a couple of pictures of Jake cooking. (We forgot to take pictures of the finished meal...I guess we where to excited to eat it!)

After dinner that night, Clay had a baseball game. Oh how I love to watch the little ones play. Clay did really well. He played regular little league ball.

The next day was Addie's game. She played T-ball. We where just so glad that we could see one of their games. We would really like to go and see all the grandkids play at least one of their games each season. Nothing better!

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