Sunday, July 5, 2009

June was a very busy month for us. Every weekend we had something going. On June 27, 2009 we asked Brodie to come with us to Idaho to cook for a Taste of Dutch up there. You cook dishes and the public comes up and tastes it. Someone put it like...Costco only with Dutch Ovens. Anyway it was a fun time to spend with Brodie, and he was such a great helper. He helped load up the truck, unload when we got there, and then load it back up when we where finished and then unload it again after we got home. We where all tired when we got home. Then the next day Brodie came to Church with me. He is a great kid!

I have to tell you the funny thing that Brodie said to me when we where driving to my house after I picked him to come with us. He said, "Do you mind if I take a shower when we get to your house?" I said, "sure". Thinking this is pretty weird. You know how 9 year old boys are, I think sometimes they see who can go the longest without a bath...his was 8 days. I think he might have won that one. LOL
Brodie filling up the water bottles.
Brodie serving up some of the Pizza that we cooked in the Dutch Oven. That day we made: Pizza, Cinnamon rolls, Chocolate swiral cheesecake, Chicken Etouffee. People seemed to like all of it.
This was the Cheesecake. It was heavenly.
Brodie taking a much deserved rest. You can tell by the look of his apron, that he has been doing a bit of cooking.
Loading the truck up to come back home.

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