The talent from the Bishop and his group of swimmers was a hoot! My Mom took the video of them in all their glory! Kathy & I where holding the "water". (Ok, so I have to figure out how to create the video with the sound that was with it. Everyone was busting a gut laughing!)
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Every year in our Ward we have a fund raiser to earn a little extra money for the youth to use for camps. And they always have some sort of entertainment to go with the dinner. Lots of people sang, told stories. It was a fun evening of talent. And at the other end of the room, they displayed some of the ward members talents, like quilts, model airplanes, cross stitch, pictures, crocheting, there was lots of items on display. Lots of talented people in our ward!
Then during the day, we started cooking in the Dutch ovens for dinner. We (Gwyn & I) made a Key L
ime Cheese cake (in the Dutch oven). And then we made pizza with homemade dough. And Gwyn mixed up the dough by herself. It was the best dough I have had! She is going to be a really good cook!
Grandpa and Jeramiah resting after a hard day working in the yard.
Gwyn's soccer game from last weekend. It looked like it was going to be such a warm day...I should have known that on the soccer field it is freezing cold! Jeramiah has a blanket from his Dad & I have a towel from Grandpa's truck, and we are trying to stay warm.
Gwyn is a really good little player, it has been fun to see how much they have learned about the game since last year. I think they have more girls on their team than boys this year. And some players would not think that is fair...cuz, those girls are really good players! The game was a tie, 1 to 1. Gwyn assisted in the goal that their team got. At the end of each game, the team capton chooses someone from the team that did a really good job, and they are the team capton for the next game. Gwyn was chosen last week, because she did such a good job in the game.
Monday, April 20, 2009
We were so blessed this weekend to have family over! It makes my day when our kids or grandkids come and spend time at our house! When Blajyn woke up on Saturday morning, he was so happy to see Grandma & Grandpa. And we were so happy to see
him again.
This is Blajyn all dressed up and waiting for April, Kacie & Brodie to get here. He was so excited to see them!
Scott took the kids to the live Aquarium. They got to pet a singray fish, and saw an octapus, they said that it was huge! And the Stingray fish was slimmy. What a fun adventure for them. They each got a stuffed fish when they left there. They were really cute.
We had a little birthday party for Brodie, his birthday isn't until later this month...
The kids and Dad's played a little game of soccer in the back yard that after noon, while waiting for some food. Looked like they had lots of fun. (The sun was shinning, but it was still a bit cold for Grandma. LOL)
Friday, April 17, 2009
Easter at Great-Grandma's house...
Every year Grandma across the street (Thats what my kids always called her, because she was the Grandma across the street.) Anyway, she always has an Easter lunch after Church for everyone that wants to come over, then after lunch the little ones take their baskets and go into one of the back rooms to wait for the grownups or this year it was the older Great-Grandkids to hide all the eggs in her yard. She always puts treats in the eggs, some have money others have a paper that says "PRIZE" And she always makes sure that th
ere is enough prizes for all the little kids.

This is the kids all patiently waiting for the eggs to be hidden.
None of our Grandkids where able to come this year.
We really didn't have that many of the Great-Grandkids this year. Sarah, Heather, Shanna, Wendy and Bridgett's kids where the only ones here this year.
Here are some of the pictures after we let them loose. And checking out what they got!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Today was Jesse's birthday. He says that he is turning 27 today, and Jeramiah says that he will be 21 and Gwyn says that he is 35. This was all said about 6:30 this morning. We had the kids stay with us today while their Daddy worked. What a fun day today was. Jeramiah loves to ride the motorcyle and fish...I think he would do either one all day long if he could.
Gwyn and I were talking about writing in a Journal and decided that we should look for a Journal Jar ideas for kids. I found one and we printed it out, so she could start writing in her journal too. But, then she didn't have a journal to write in. We fixed that in a hurry. I think that she is going to be a little writer...she really liked doing that.
One year later...
Who would have ever thought it would take me almost a year to post again. Life has just gotten away with me lately.And here we are preparing the garden again for this years planting. Our new Stake President has challenged everyone in the Stake to plant a garden this year and then we are going to have a 'Stake Fair' in September to show of the produce or crafts that have been made during the year. We had planned to do a garden anyways, but the challenge has made it more fun. And we are going to try and document it a little better this year.

I have to tell you the funny things that have happened while preparing the garden soil. I guess it was in late February that we decided to get a load of horse poop for the garden, there was a place in South Jordan that you could get a load for free. We got our load and was shoveling it into the garden, and Mark was moving the truck along the fence...then the truck would not start. There I was standing in the back of the truck full of horse poop, and the truck would not start. I stated to giggle, and could not stop. Just think about it, there you are with a truck loat of poop and the truck would not start. (Mark didn't think it was funny at all!) Lucky for us, Scott was in town that weekend, and he helped move the truck along and finished shoveling the poop out of the truck. Then my brother towed the truck around to the front of the house. (So, it could wait for a couple of weeks until we could save enough money to get it fixed 1 more time.)
A few days later Jesse came over and tilled it in for us. And told me that was not the best stuff to put in the garden. He was going to get us some cow poop. And he did...lucky for me...I was gone when it came, so him and Mark unloaded that one.
And then here we are plowing the gardens getting them ready to plant so as soon as it get warms enough we can plant.
I have to tell you the funny things that have happened while preparing the garden soil. I guess it was in late February that we decided to get a load of horse poop for the garden, there was a place in South Jordan that you could get a load for free. We got our load and was shoveling it into the garden, and Mark was moving the truck along the fence...then the truck would not start. There I was standing in the back of the truck full of horse poop, and the truck would not start. I stated to giggle, and could not stop. Just think about it, there you are with a truck loat of poop and the truck would not start. (Mark didn't think it was funny at all!) Lucky for us, Scott was in town that weekend, and he helped move the truck along and finished shoveling the poop out of the truck. Then my brother towed the truck around to the front of the house. (So, it could wait for a couple of weeks until we could save enough money to get it fixed 1 more time.)
A few days later Jesse came over and tilled it in for us. And told me that was not the best stuff to put in the garden. He was going to get us some cow poop. And he did...lucky for me...I was gone when it came, so him and Mark unloaded that one.
And then here we are plowing the gardens getting them ready to plant so as soon as it get warms enough we can plant.
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