Friday, April 10, 2009

Today was Jesse's birthday. He says that he is turning 27 today, and Jeramiah says that he will be 21 and Gwyn says that he is 35. This was all said about 6:30 this morning. We had the kids stay with us today while their Daddy worked. What a fun day today was. Jeramiah loves to ride the motorcyle and fish...I think he would do either one all day long if he could.
Gwyn and I were talking about writing in a Journal and decided that we should look for a Journal Jar ideas for kids. I found one and we printed it out, so she could start writing in her journal too. But, then she didn't have a journal to write in. We fixed that in a hurry. I think that she is going to be a little writer...she really liked doing that.

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