Saturday, April 25, 2009

Every year in our Ward we have a fund raiser to earn a little extra money for the youth to use for camps. And they always have some sort of entertainment to go with the dinner. Lots of people sang, told stories. It was a fun evening of talent. And at the other end of the room, they displayed some of the ward members talents, like quilts, model airplanes, cross stitch, pictures, crocheting, there was lots of items on display. Lots of talented people in our ward!

The talent from the Bishop and his group of swimmers was a hoot! My Mom took the video of them in all their glory! Kathy & I where holding the "water". (Ok, so I have to figure out how to create the video with the sound that was with it. Everyone was busting a gut laughing!)

1 comment:

Kanabites said...

I would love to see it with sound