Sunday, February 28, 2010

Yukon Gold Dutch Oven Cook-off

February 27, 2010 we entered another cook-off. It was held at Cabela's. It was freezing cold! But, it was fun...because Mark & I did it together. And Jesse, DaNell, Sam & Megan came up to see us. We didn't do very good in the cook-off. Our rolls, Honey Whole Wheat took 3rd place. ($25.00) And we didn't think they turned out very good.
We got marked down for having the paper doily. I didn't know that was considered a garnish. And all garnishes need to be eatable. And I don't know anyone that likes to eat paper doilies. LOL. (Good lesson to learn.)

We made a German Chocolate cake, that I thought looked really good. But, turns was little dry. Why? Not sure...maybe cuz I mixed everything up together, and didn't do it as the instructions said to...And then one of the judges gave me a helpful pipe some frosting around the top and bottom of the cake, to make it look nicer. Good idea...another lesson learned.

We also thought the BBQ Baby Back ribs would do good. I cooked over 5 pounds of them, and there was hardly not any left after the judges got done. But, the main dishes must have been very close...we didn't win anything on them either. But, we did get lots of good comments on the ribs, and the BBQ sauce.
I do need to figure out a better way to garnish the ribs, the onions look a little 'cheesy'.

We got there at 8:00am, and started cooking about 9 am. It was freezing cold for a couple of hours. About 11 am it started warm up and by the time we were packing up to leave about 2, it was pretty warm out side...I think it got up to about 45 or 50 by then. Another fun day, to meet new friends and renew friendships with others!
A couple of pictures of Mark & I. I am trying to stay warm with the bricketts. I think I was cooking the cakes. Mark was making the coconut frosting for the cake.

New front room!

Our TV went out a couple of weeks ago...well it has been on its last leg for a long time. And we decided that when it went out, we would get a flat screen TV in its place. I was hoping that it would have lasted a little while longer. But, this TV is really did last a long time.
I told Mark that the front room had to painted and the carpets scrubbed before the TV arrived. We got it all done, and was ready for the TV when it arrived on Friday. It was cool to watch the Olympics on the big screen. I can hardly wait for the sports to come on. (Not really) I guess I will find something else to do then. Like scrapbooking for sewing, now that sounds like fun. Or working on Family History stuff. That really sounds like fun!

I painted on Tuesday, Mark was very nervous about me painting. (Probably because I am not the best painter in the world. ) MaryAnn told Jesse once when I was helping him paint, "Tell Mom to keep the paint on the walls!" LOL.
I did a very good job this time. I barely had any paint even on my hands, and never once did I drip any on the floor or windows. I did a good job!
I did put plastic over everything...just in case.

Wednesday night we were both gone.

Thursday I started cleaning the carpets in the morning before work, came home on lunch, and then again in the evening when we got home from the Temple. It took all day on Thursday to clean the carpets...but, they looked great.

Friday morning, we started to hang up the pictures and a saying that MaryAnn bought for us last fall. It makes the walls look so good.
Goofy picture of me...but, this is the saying that MaryAnn gave to us. I love it!!
The new way we decorated the walls and the TV/stand for it to go on.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fund Raiser for Damon Faust

Damon Faust was a fellow Dutch Oven cooker. We cooked with him in a cooking contests last year. Really neat guy. Last fall his wife and him where in a really bad car accident that killed him instantly. His wife if still recovering. And they have 10 children. 8 still living at home. Friends and family got together to do a fund raiser to help the family out. We went and cooked some chili and corn bread in the Dutch Oven to support his love of cooking in the "Black Pots". We really enjoyed being a part of it. There was tons of people that come to support the family, and they made lots of money to help them out. These are some pictures of the event.

Making Yogert

I have always wanted to learn to make yogert. I bought a yogert maker...and tried it. Then I wanted to make some cream cheese out of the yogert. Because that is what you make cream cheese out of. After making the yogert, and it was totally gross! I decided to still try to make the cream cheese, like it was going to taste any better than the yogert. LOL It tasted more like sour cream, heavy on the sour part.
Then in reading more about making yogert...the start I used is a good start, but, it makes a more bitter yogert. That is for sure! Now I am looking for Stoneyfield plain yogert to get my start from, and try that. Then you just add honey or other favoring to it to make yummy yogert and cream cheese.

This is a picture of the yogert and whey that drips out of it to make cream cheese.
The yogert is in the cloth, with weight on it to "press" the whey out...then you have cream cheese.

This is the cream cheese...its look like it would taste really good, but remember I said it was pretty sour. Pressing the whey out, didn't make it taste any better. LOL But, it was a really good sour cream!
Another learning experience. I will post again when I get it figured out. Love to try to things and get them tasting good.

Valentines Day

We celebrated Valentine's Day on Saturday this year...cuz it landed on Sunday. So we took out treats to the families that we visit/home teach. I enjoyed making the treats for them.

Then while I was making the 'treats'...Mark went to the store and came home with these for me.
I don't get flowers very often, which is ok. These were beautiful and a wonderful surpise...and they still look good even after a week!
Sunday, which was really Valentine's day. We were spiritually feed. It was Stake conference. One of the best we have attended in a long time. I was thinking about that the other day, and wondered if it was one of the best we had attended in a long time...or was it that we where more spiritually prepared for it this time...and got more out of it.
Saturday night session was very good. They talked about Basic welfare and Self Reliance.
Elder Keatch talked at both sessions, and his talks were great also. How to make it work when all our plans change. Quote from Pres. Hinckley, " what you can, and the best you can do..."
Sunday morning, we got to meet with Elder Keatch in the morning before the conference started. What a treat! He talked about the support we give to our spouses, other things, and then thanked us each for our service as we left the room. And you could see how sincere he was.
Sunday session, Pres. Kenison talked about prayer, how often do we communicate with our Heavenly Father? He will give us direction and keep us safe.
Pres. Mecham also talked about prayer, and said, "To find Joy in the Journey".
Elder Keatch, said, "Serve other more often, to become more spiritual...server others more often." He said that his wife has a saying, "If you don't like your lot in life, build a service station out of it." I liked that statement.
It was a very good conference. We enjoyed it very much.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My new "DO"

I just had to post my new "DO".
I love it!
When I went in to get it cut, it is funny they keep asking you, "are you sure you want it that short?" Just cut it off! I am lovin' it!