We celebrated Valentine's Day on Saturday this year...cuz it landed on Sunday. So we took out treats to the families that we visit/home teach. I enjoyed making the treats for them. 
Then while I was making the 'treats'...Mark went to the store and came home with these for me.
I don't get flowers very often, which is ok. These were beautiful and a wonderful surpise...and they still look good even after a week!
I don't get flowers very often, which is ok. These were beautiful and a wonderful surpise...and they still look good even after a week!
Sunday, which was really Valentine's day. We were spiritually feed. It was Stake conference. One of the best we have attended in a long time. I was thinking about that the other day, and wondered if it was one of the best we had attended in a long time...or was it that we where more spiritually prepared for it this time...and got more out of it.
Saturday night session was very good. They talked about Basic welfare and Self Reliance.
Elder Keatch talked at both sessions, and his talks were great also. How to make it work when all our plans change. Quote from Pres. Hinckley, "...do what you can, and the best you can do..."
Sunday morning, we got to meet with Elder Keatch in the morning before the conference started. What a treat! He talked about the support we give to our spouses, other things, and then thanked us each for our service as we left the room. And you could see how sincere he was.
Sunday session, Pres. Kenison talked about prayer, how often do we communicate with our Heavenly Father? He will give us direction and keep us safe.
Pres. Mecham also talked about prayer, and said, "To find Joy in the Journey".
Elder Keatch, said, "Serve other more often, to become more spiritual...server others more often." He said that his wife has a saying, "If you don't like your lot in life, build a service station out of it." I liked that statement.
It was a very good conference. We enjoyed it very much.
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