Then in reading more about making yogert...the start I used is a good start, but, it makes a more bitter yogert. That is for sure! Now I am looking for Stoneyfield plain yogert to get my start from, and try that. Then you just add honey or other favoring to it to make yummy yogert and cream cheese.
This is a picture of the yogert and whey that drips out of it to make cream cheese.
The yogert is in the cloth, with weight on it to "press" the whey out...then you have cream cheese.
This is the cream cheese...its look like it would taste really good, but remember I said it was pretty sour. Pressing the whey out, didn't make it taste any better. LOL But, it was a really good sour cream!
Another learning experience. I will post again when I get it figured out. Love to try to things and get them tasting good.
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