Sunday, June 26, 2011

Dutch Oven Spring Conference

Every year they have a Spring DO conference in Davis County.  This year April, Kacie & Brodie wanted to come with us.  This is another time when the DO friends get together and renew friendships.  And you cook lots of samples for the public to eat.  Someone compared it to a Costco sample day.  Only the food is much better, cuz it is cooked in the Dutch Oven.
We made Orange knots, that day...that is what the kids are doing.  Some are dipping in the sugar, some in the butter, and some are making the knots.  Cindy (Grandma), Brodie, April, Kacie
Everyone is busy cooking.  The girls are putting together the crust for the cheesecake. 
Brodie got the fun job of stirring the carmel sauce. 
The girls are making Apple Dumplings.  They have made this before, so they knew just how to do it.  Good cooks these kids are. 
It was a fun day spent with the grandkids.  More memories made...Love my Grandkids will all my heart!

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