Sunday, June 26, 2011

Track meet for April & Kacie, April 2011

April & Kacie have been on the track team for their school, this past year.  I was able to make it to one their track meets.  They have really enjoyed running.  (Wish I could do that too!)  It has been a wet, cold spring.  So, I had my coat on and a blanket.  They are in track clothes...I was freezing for them. 
they are lining up for the race.  April, then Kacie is on the end.

Here they are from the front.  The look a little cold don't you think?
April & Kacie almost to the finish line.  Kacie came in 2nd and April 3rd.  It was fun to watch them.  Love these girls!
Brodie watching the races.

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