Sunday, February 28, 2010

Yukon Gold Dutch Oven Cook-off

February 27, 2010 we entered another cook-off. It was held at Cabela's. It was freezing cold! But, it was fun...because Mark & I did it together. And Jesse, DaNell, Sam & Megan came up to see us. We didn't do very good in the cook-off. Our rolls, Honey Whole Wheat took 3rd place. ($25.00) And we didn't think they turned out very good.
We got marked down for having the paper doily. I didn't know that was considered a garnish. And all garnishes need to be eatable. And I don't know anyone that likes to eat paper doilies. LOL. (Good lesson to learn.)

We made a German Chocolate cake, that I thought looked really good. But, turns was little dry. Why? Not sure...maybe cuz I mixed everything up together, and didn't do it as the instructions said to...And then one of the judges gave me a helpful pipe some frosting around the top and bottom of the cake, to make it look nicer. Good idea...another lesson learned.

We also thought the BBQ Baby Back ribs would do good. I cooked over 5 pounds of them, and there was hardly not any left after the judges got done. But, the main dishes must have been very close...we didn't win anything on them either. But, we did get lots of good comments on the ribs, and the BBQ sauce.
I do need to figure out a better way to garnish the ribs, the onions look a little 'cheesy'.

We got there at 8:00am, and started cooking about 9 am. It was freezing cold for a couple of hours. About 11 am it started warm up and by the time we were packing up to leave about 2, it was pretty warm out side...I think it got up to about 45 or 50 by then. Another fun day, to meet new friends and renew friendships with others!
A couple of pictures of Mark & I. I am trying to stay warm with the bricketts. I think I was cooking the cakes. Mark was making the coconut frosting for the cake.

1 comment:

Jessica Simonsen Howard said...

It all looks so yummy and good to eat. Glad that you guys had a great time together.