Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Cooking and Gardening - May 2010

Jess, DaNell and the kids came up a couple of weeks ago to help design a watering system for the garden, so it would be easier for us. We have some PVC pipe with valves and soaker hoses attached to it. It is AWSOME! It is going to help save water, time...and make life so much easier for us.
While the boys where out building the water system, Gwyn, Megan & I were in the kitchen cooking dinner and making an delicious cheesecake.
Gwyn & Megan...the finished product. A peanut butter cheesecake.
The crew that build the watering system for us! Gwyn, Megan, DaNell, Jesse & Jeramiah. Thanks!!!!
Can you see that soaker hose working? We are so excited for it!

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