Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Jeramiah's baseball game

We have also been to a couple of Jeramiah's baseball games. He plays coach pitch. They have a machine that pitches the ball to the kids, they get 6 swings to hit...if they don't hit, they get out the t-ball thing and they hit from that. And everyone gets a chance to bat, then the team retires and goes outfield. They only get up to bat twice.
I wonder how this kind of ball affects them, when they have to play the regular rules. Like when you strike out, or you only get 3 outs, then you change it up?
But, the kids seem to like it...and that is what counts, that the kids are having fun.
Jeramiah, getting ready to catch the ball. Daddy, Gwyn & Grandpa watching. (Sorry Grandpa, I cut off your head.)
They look so cute out on the field. The coach tells each player where to stand, and that is pretty much where they stay.
Now he is getting ready for his turn to bat.
Jeramiah up to bat. And his Dad giving him a 'high 5' for the great game that he played!

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