Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Joseph Smith Memorial building turns 100 years old...June 9, 2011

April, Kacie and Brodie called up and wanted to spend the weekend with us.  And we had planned on going downtown to see the displays at the Joseph Smith Memorial building.  So, we took them along with us.  We went to the movie, 'The Joseph Smith movie"  We had a fun day.
One of the old cars they had on display.
Brodie, April, Grandpa and Kacie
Kacie, Brodie & April
Grandpa, Brodie, April & Kacie walking down the street in Salt Lake.
Kacie & April.  At the musem, they had this podim to people to stand behind.  It is just like the one at the conference center.  Kacie was so excited to come here.  She remembered when they where little I took them here, and they had fun toys to play with.  But, it is all changed now.  All the toys were really different.  And somehow when you grow is just not the same.  But, I think they still had a good time.
I think they really enjoyed taking traks also.  Another thing we did with them when they were young.  And yes, that is Brodie...swinging...April & Kacie.  Another fun day spend with Grandkids and Mark!

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