Saturday, July 2, 2011

Last day of the Memorial Weekend...2011

The boys, well all the kids really wanted to go fishing this weekend.  They even brought their fishing poles with them.  And Uncle Jesse is always up to a fishing trip.  It was Monday, and it was a freezing cold day.  But, we went fishing at Utah Lake.
Clay and Jake headed off to the point to catch a big one.
Cora, MaryAnn, Addie, Mark, DaNell & Jesse
Yup, that is the 1st fish caught.  And yes, DaNell caught it.   She loves to fish!
Then Addie caught one...
Then Grandpa caught one...  Jesse put on his wading gear so he could get in the water.
Cora, Mommy (MaryAnn) & Addie
Grandpa fixing Clay's reel.  It got a rats nest in it.  Patience to fix those things...
Then us girls left to go and make purses.  It was way to cold out there for us.  We are not as die hard fishermen as they are.  LOL  Sure enjoyed being with the kids and grandkids though.

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