Friday, July 1, 2011

Memorial Weekend, 2011

MaryAnn and her little kids came to visit us this weekend.  MaryAnn had a load of bees to deliver.  It is always great to have them come...even if it is only for a few days.  We take every minute we can get with kids and grandkids. 
We went to Smithfield to put flowers on my Mom & Dad's grave.  Doing that brings back so many memories from growing up.  When I was a kid, we all met at Grandma's house in Logan.  Her back porch would be filled with flowers and Mom and Aunt Jewel would bring trunk loads of flowers to add to them.  And we would head for the cemetaries.  To put all those flowers out on the graves.  To this day, I love to wander around in is just so peaceful.  Maybe it has to do with the memories of growing up, doing those things with my family.
Before we got to Smithfield, Mark & I went to the Logan temple and did a session.  It was so nice.  Beautiful temple.  Then we meet Peggy (Mark's sister) and we went to the thrift stores in North Logan, and went out to lunch with her.  It was such a nice day.  To spend with Mark and Peggy. 
This is my Mom & Dad's headstone.  I miss them both so much...
This is my Dad's, parents headstone.  They are right next to each other in the Smithfield Cemetary.
Mark & Peggy.  Peggy looked so pretty all dressed up to spend the day with her brother.

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