As soon as their Dad got home, they opened up their presents. Jake & Clay got a Wii game and the head lamps. They are really into the gaming stuff.
Cora and Addie each got a kit to make some jewlery. Not sure why this picture of MaryAnn was taken like that...but, it is cute of her. And she wonders where her kids get that forced smile from...LOL
Clay and Jake playing the Wii game. It was a hoot to watch them play, they really get into it. At times Clay would say, "I hate this part", then he would get through it, and like it again. They are so intense when they are playing.
Addie and Cora making jewlery. And Cora is holding onto her Bubble bath she got. She would open the end and just smell it. She thought that was pretty neat stuff.

It snowed Wednesday. And MaryAnn told the kids to go out and play. And play they did, they built a fort in the back yard, used up all the snow and waited for it to snow some more so they could build it up more. They would come in and be soaking wet, get dry and go out again. Oh, to be a kid again, and not worry about getting cold...just go out and have fun in the snow!

It snowed Wednesday. And MaryAnn told the kids to go out and play. And play they did, they built a fort in the back yard, used up all the snow and waited for it to snow some more so they could build it up more. They would come in and be soaking wet, get dry and go out again. Oh, to be a kid again, and not worry about getting cold...just go out and have fun in the snow!
Addie rolling up a snow ball. Jake & Clay working on the fort.

Silly Mark, he took the boys head lamps and put them on him. He had fun...

Addie got a perm today. (Thursday). She was so excited, the neighbor does hair and did it for her. She love curly hair. And now her hair was all done for the performance that she was going at the basketball game that night. You can see how happy she was with her hair. What a sweet little girl! Love ya Addie!

Cora trying to catch a snow flake on her tongue.
Silly Mark, he took the boys head lamps and put them on him. He had fun...
Addie got a perm today. (Thursday). She was so excited, the neighbor does hair and did it for her. She love curly hair. And now her hair was all done for the performance that she was going at the basketball game that night. You can see how happy she was with her hair. What a sweet little girl! Love ya Addie!
I tell you, just give a kid some crutches and they will play with them for hours. Cora was playing with them here. They all took their turns. They are only fun, if you really don't need to use them.
The basketball game that Addie was doing a gymastic perforance at, at half time. Grandpa got Cora and me. Cora told me that the boys playing basketball 'had gross armpits'. That girl is a hoot!

Addie is center front. Look at those straight. And look at the back bend. I think she is amazing.

Addie loves to do this, and she is really good at it.

This is the project that MaryAnn got out for me to finish. We sewed on the leafs and flowers and then bound it. It is one that she started at her Mother-in-laws. I love to sew...

Addie and Cora playing on my iPad. I have a few kid games for the little ones to play. They all love to play games on it.

Addie is center front. Look at those straight. And look at the back bend. I think she is amazing.
Addie loves to do this, and she is really good at it.
Jake standing in front of the fireplace.
This is the project that MaryAnn got out for me to finish. We sewed on the leafs and flowers and then bound it. It is one that she started at her Mother-in-laws. I love to sew...
Addie and Cora playing on my iPad. I have a few kid games for the little ones to play. They all love to play games on it.
As we are headed out of town to go home, we stopped in Colorado City to get some cheese and yogert drink at the dairy. And Mark took a picture of the mountains there. They are so beautiful with red rock and snow on them.
We so enjoyed our time in Southern Utah with our kids and grandkids. Can hardly wait to get back down there!
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