Sunday, January 16, 2011

Crafts with Grandkids, November 27, 2010

Kacie and April doing crafts, they are making angels out of rolls of paper. I had not seen them for about 6 months, so it was so nice to have them out the house, and do crafts with them.

Again, the grandkids playing on the crutches...what a hoot. Kacie and April.

Grandpa and Brodie playing on the Wii.
Kacie found some fabric paints downstairs and I had some t-shirts, so they starting decorating them up. That was really fun for them. Brodie decided that it was easier to paint his shirt on the floor.

Kacie and April.
April and Kacie. Kacie was headed out to play in the snow, dressed up in Grandpa's coat and gloves. We had indended to go to church, but, it snowed so much, I didn't dare go out in the snow, with crutches. So, the kids went out to play in it. Kacie lost her cell phone in the snow. We looked everywhere for it, could not find it. She searched outside and in the house. Finally after about 2 weeks the snow melted some, and Mark found it out in the backyard.

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