Sunday, January 16, 2011

Christmas 2010

This was a very different Christmas this year, our 1st Christmas without Mom. It was very hard to say the least. Then with my broken leg, let's just say, this was a very different Christmas. We didn't even get a Christmas tree up this year. Mark was very busy doing all the stuff around the house and church work on top of that, and working. I didn't even ask him to get the Christmas tree out of the garage. If I would have, I am sure that he would have done it for me. About 1 am on Christmas I woke up and told him, 'we have missed Christmas this year', and he agreed with me. I told him that we needed to do it better next year...

We just got each other 1 gift, I got Mark some shirts and he got me a new camera, so I could take cool pictures of the Grandkids and really nice pictures for the Quilt Guild.
We waited around all day for the kids to come over. Jesse didn't get his kids until afternoon. What a long day...
April, Kacie & Brodie called and said that they were coming over in the afternoon. We were excited to see them. They came and stayed for about 5 minutes. But, hey, 5 minutes is better than 0 minutes. They opened their presents and we hurried and snapped some pictures and they ran back out the door. I know that it had been a long day for them too, with going to all the Grandma's houses.

We got Brodie a model car, he collects them. And Kacie & April we got them some jewley to make. Hope they enjoy their gifts. We also gave April & Kacie their birthday gifts that day, we did not get out to see them on their birthday this year.

Pictures that we hurried and snapped before they left.

Jesse and his family got there shortly after April, Kacie & Brodie left. They also had dinner with us that night. It was so nice to have some family around in the evening. I really missed going over to Mom's house throughout the day, saying hello to my siblings.

Gwyn got an art set, she loves drawing and doing crafts. Jesse got some bullets, that is what Mark gets the boys every year. And they all love it.

Sam is doing everyone's nails with her gift and Jeramiah got some head lamps and he shared them with everyone. Having family around makes life...happy....

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