Friday, February 27, 2015

Celebrating Alan's birthday, July 8, 2012

Alan was so sick and decided that this could be his birthday.  So, he wanted all of us to get together and have a BBQ at his house.  He invited all the sibling and kids, whoever could come, to come.  Love that guy!  They even teased me that day, saying that Alan could make me cry, just by telling me (Cindy) to cry.  And he could.  And he was the only one that could do that to me.  Don't know why, maybe cuz I loved him so much.
 Gwyn, Jesse, Cody and Sarah.  Gage and Tyler

 Sarah, Justin and Nicole
 Alan, he was just so sick...
 Alan, Shannon and Sheri
 Gwyn & her Dad Jesse
 Jesse and Cody.  We were teasing them that they dressed a like.
 Cody, Sarah and Tyler
 Cute Nicole and her boyfriend Justin
Amy and ??

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