Thursday, February 19, 2015

Looks like it was Thanksgiving time...2011

We had all three kids home for Thanksgiving this year.  That does not happen very often.  Love having the kids come home, so I can cook for them, and their families.
Gwyn making peanut butter cups.  One of our favorites.  That girl loves to cook!
This is Jeramiah giving Grandma's poor feet a rub.  And I think I am giving his a rub at the same time.  Oh, how I love to have a foot rub...  And ever so often I can get the grandkids to do that for me.  Them them all so much!
So, here is the other half of that picture.  DaNell, Grandma (Cindy)  and Jeramiah's little feet.
Jesse must have really enjoyed the Turkey dinner...
Crafts at Grandma's house.  Nice hat!  Grandma (Cindy), Cora, Mom (MaryAnn)
 Better picture of the hats.  Grandma, Cora, MaryAnn, Blajyn
 Blajyn.  They go to make their own Indian head dress.   What a cute little guy.  Don't get to see the Grandkids often enough, that is for sure.
Jake sporting his Indian head dress...
Must have been something really interesting going on in that little corner of the kitchen.  MaryAnn, Cindy, DaNell, Jesse.
 Jake in front of the computer.  They love playing the games on it.
Addie playing on the other computer.  Looks like someone should have cleaned of her desk...
The kids got to sit at the table.  Jake, Clay, Cora, Addie and Blajyn.  We had dinner with Jesse's kids the week before. 
 Man I love these kids.  They are the best kids that any parent could ask for.  Jesse, MaryAnn, Scott
Jesse, MaryAnn, Scott.  What a fun picture of them, all smiling.  Love them!!
 A couple of tired young men.  Scott and Jesse.
 Sweet little Cora, so cute!  She has everyone wrapped around her little finger..
 Daddy (Scott) and Blajyn playing the Wii, Clay laying on the couch, Addie on the other couch and Cora on the floor.
 Clay waiting his turn to play.
 Blajyn loves to play games, and he is so good at them!
Addie and Cora just being silly.  Grandma in the background, just relaxing.  It has been a long day cooking.

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