Thursday, February 19, 2015

Templ Square, Nov 2011

We went to Temple Square to see the lights with Jesse and his family.  It sure was a fun night!
 Jesse, getting everyone hot chocolate.  It was so cold that night.
 Grandma (Cindy) and Gwyn
 Love this picture of the Temple!  That could be on a post card!
 Here is everyone.  Jesse, Sam, Gwyn, Grandma(Cindy),
 Jesse, Sam, DaNell, Gwyn, Cindy

 Jeramiah, Megan, Gwyn

 Jeramiah, Jesse, DaNell, Gwyn
 Grandma(Cindy), Gwyn
 Mark and Cindy, Jeramiah
 Good picture of Mark.  Love that Man!!!
 Jesse, Jeramiah and Gwyn
Jeramiah's foot is really wet.  He fell into one of the pool around the Conference center.  We warned him and he finally fell in.  Lucky for him it was just his foot and not the entire body.  Then it was time to go home.  Loved that we went to see the lights with them.  It was a fun evening.  Love being with them!!!

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