Saturday, February 28, 2015

Grandma's house, Oct 21- 22, 2012

Grandkids and iPads.  They love them!

 Jesse and Cindy, Love that guy!
 Daddy (Jesse) & Jeramiah playing a little football in our front yard.

 Eating some dinner...Gwyn, Jeramiah, Dad (Jesse)
 One tired Daddy...
 Grandma and Jeramiah reading the newspaper.
 This was on Nove 24, 2012.  April, Kacie and Gwyn came to spent the night with us.
 April & Gwyn.  Guess what they are playing on?  Yup the iPad...

 That cute Jeramiah!
 There is my Kacie. 

 We decided to try our hand at fondant frosting.  I think they did a really good job at the decorations.

 Gwyn, Kacie, April
 The finished product!  Looks pretty good I think.

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