Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Sheep Dog Fesitival, September 2, 2011

MaryAnn, Bryant and the boys went to do bees.  We were lucky enough to have the girls (Cora and Addie) for the weekend.  So, they got to go the Sheep Dog Festival in Midway, Utah and help us do a demo cooking in Dutch Ovens.
 Cora milking the cow...
 Addie milking the cow...
 The best little helpers ever!  Addie and Cora
 I think they must have been eating some candy.  The things that Grandma's take pictures of.
 Grandma (Cindy), Addie and Cora.  Helping get the food ready to hand out.
 Addie looks like she is getting a bored with this.  But, they were such good sports.  Love them lots, they are always so willing to help.  And they really want to you all the time.
Sweet little girls...

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