Saturday, December 11, 2010

Gwyn's 10th Birthday, Aug 7, 2010

Gwyn and Jake are exactly 1 week apart, Jake is 1 week older. Jesse was recovering from back surgery, so we asked Gwyn where she wanted to go out to dinner at...she choose her favorite place (and mine also) Famous Dave's.
Daddy & Gwyn just before we are heading out to dinner. She is so cute! Love her lots!
Jeramiah & Daddy at dinner.
Gwyn and Daddy at dinner. See that garbage can lid of food? We ate most of it. Gwyn's favorite is the ribs...that girl can out eat any guy with ribs. LOL
Back home to open presents, and have cake. Gwyn loves to do crafts, so she mostly get craft things for presents. I like to think, I am the one that hooked her (and most the other Grandkids) on crafts. Everytime a Grandchild comes to Grandma's house, they want to do crafts...which is ok with me, I love doing them too.

We got her a Baskin Robin's ice cream cake (another one of my favorite things!) Happy 10th Brithday Gwyn!!!

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