Thursday, December 23, 2010

Trip to Southern Utah to play with Grandkids, Oct 2, 2010

We went to Scott's house 1st this time...and spent the night at his house. Blajyn is such a hoot, love that little guy!

Blajyn is showing off for the camera.

Blajyn and his Dad. He sure loves his Dad...

We BBQ our dinner, Grandpa and Blajyn. Then Blajyn is showing off his muscles. His brothers Jaden and Dakota are into body building.

Scott took us sight seeing the next day, we stopped at a camp ground on the way to see other things. It was so cool there. I love the landscape in Southern Utah.
Just a picture of a cool cactus.

A round rock, just sitting there. Pretty cool!

Scott, Blajyn and Grandpa (Mark)Standing at the edge of the river.
Grandpa and Blajyn coming back up the trail to the truck.

We got to this Petroglyph site called, "Little Black Mountain Petroglyph Site" I love to visit these places, you sit back and wonder what their life was like. What do all the petrohlyph's mean...some of them you can guess, but others? Was this a stopping place of rest or their home? I love to look at old place like this.
Scott, me (Grandma/Cindy) and Blajyn

We found a rock that had holes in it, and had Blajyn get in so we could take his picture. He was not to sure of that, but did it. It is amazing what the wind and water will do to the sandstone.

More cool looking Petroglyph's.

Blajyn sitting on a stone, that looks like it was carved out to gind corn or wheat in.
Always a great time when you can spend it with family.

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