Thursday, December 23, 2010

Southern Utah, Cedar City football game, Oct. 2010

We left Scott's house and headed for Cedar City to see Jake and Clay play football. We don't get to see them play very often, so when we do, it is a real treat.

This is Jake's team playing. Jake played just about the entire game. He is a really good player. I am sorry, I can't tell you which one he is, at the time of the picture I could have...

Addie watching the games...Clay is getting ready for his game. MaryAnn (Mom) is sitting on the blanket.

Mom (MaryAnn) and Cora. Cora and Addie rolling down the hill...I remember when that used to be so much fun. Now I think, oh my gosh...that would make me so sick! LOL

Pictures of Clay playing his game. Like Jake's pictures not sure which one is Clay. He played really well also. They love to play sports, glad they enjoy it, and have fun too.

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