Thursday, December 23, 2010

Quilt Fest Oct. 2010. Zermont Resort in Midway, Ut

Quilt Festival was held Oct. 5-9, 2010 this year at the Zermont Resort in Midway, Utah. What a fun week with quilting friends. Renewed friendships and made new friends. This year Mark came up on Friday, came to the luncheon and the activity at nightime and spend the night, then went home the next day. It was fun to have him come up and see what we do there. I was excited to share the time with him there.
This year at Quilt Fest, I was on the Festival board again. I was in charge of the room setup and take down. That is a lot of work to get them set up and make sure they are ready each day for classes. But, it is fun to be involved with Festival, so it is worth it. You get to know so many new friends.

Because I had the job I had, at Festival, I only decided to take one class, and it was from my friend Caryl Jensen. She taught a twisted table runner. And then my friend Pat showing off her table runner. Fun class.

At Festival each year, they have mini quilts that you make and people purchase a chance to win one. This was the one I made this year. I think it was the first quilt I had made all year and finished. And it was a mini. Had fun making it. There was lots of pretty quilts made.

This is me in my room. We had aprons with the theme for Quilt Fest on them. "Sew many friends" Then we decorated them how we wanted. I put flower coming out of the pockets and then had friends sign it as I saw them. This was one of the best Quilt Festivals I have attended.
Next year, I am going to be the Historian for the Utah Quilt Board. Can't wait!

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